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World Journal of Agricultural Research. 2023, 11(1), 16-21
DOI: 10.12691/WJAR-11-1-3
Original Research

Effect of Different Watering Regimes on Morphological Parameters of Cashew Grafted Genotypes

Bi Zan Alexis DOBO1, KOUAKOU Charles Konan2, and Kouame Kevin Koffi1

1Breeding and Crop Husbandry Unit, Faculty of Natural Sciences, 02 PO Box 801, Abidjan 02, Nangui Abrogoua University, Abidjan, Ivory Coast

2National Center of Agronomic Research, Kilometer 17, Dabou Road 01 PO Box 1740 Abidjan, Ivory Coast

Pub. Date: March 15, 2023

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Bi Zan Alexis DOBO, KOUAKOU Charles Konan and Kouame Kevin Koffi. Effect of Different Watering Regimes on Morphological Parameters of Cashew Grafted Genotypes. World Journal of Agricultural Research. 2023; 11(1):16-21. doi: 10.12691/WJAR-11-1-3


Water stress has a strong influence on the physiological functions of tree crops which adversely affects the growth and yield of tree plants. Drought and soil fertility are the major factors that influence seedling survival and growth in arid areas, thus it is of paramount importance to establish optimum water requirements for tree seedlings in order to promote growth. In line with this, an investigation was carried out to assess early growth behaviours of Anacardium occidentale when exposed to varied watering intervals in the greenhouse. Two month old grafted seedlings were used for the study in 1.08 liter plastic pots containing 2 kg of potting soil. Seedlings were exposed to five different watering intervals (every two days, every four days, every six days, every eight days and ten days) and 80 mL of water was administered per each seedling based on the watering frequency for two months. Six seedlings were allocated per watering frequency and replicated 4 times in a Split-plot design. The result revealed a significant effect of irrigation frequency on seedlings growth of Anacardium occidentale where seedlings that received water every two days and every four days produced highest growth in the variables measured. Administering 80 mL of water per seedling every two days and every four days improved growth of A. occidentale in the nursery.


Anacardium occidentale, seedling, watering frequency, grafted genotypes, water


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