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World Journal of Agricultural Research. 2015, 3(4), 123-128
DOI: 10.12691/WJAR-3-4-2
Original Research

Use of Vermicompost as Supplement to Pine Bark for Seedling Production in Nurseries

Murimba Ngaatendwe1, Muzorewa Ernest1, , Mutetwa Moses1, Mtaita Tuarira1, Musimbo Ngenzile1 and Zimba Linah Tanyaradzwa1

1Department of Crop Production, Faculty of Agriculture and Natural Resources, Africa University, Box 1320, Old Mutare, Zimbabwe

Pub. Date: July 29, 2015

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Murimba Ngaatendwe, Muzorewa Ernest, Mutetwa Moses, Mtaita Tuarira, Musimbo Ngenzile and Zimba Linah Tanyaradzwa. Use of Vermicompost as Supplement to Pine Bark for Seedling Production in Nurseries. World Journal of Agricultural Research. 2015; 3(4):123-128. doi: 10.12691/WJAR-3-4-2


Vermicompost, used as soil additives or as components of greenhouse bedding plant container media, have been found to improve seed germination, enhanced seedling growth and development, and increased overall plant productivity. As a result, small scale farmers can improve their capacity to produce vegetable seedlings using vermicompost amended potting mixes as it is more available to them than pine bark. The present experiment was undertaken to evaluate the possible effects of different substitutions of vermicompost potting mixes for seedling nursery production as an alternative and supplement to pine bark. The experiment was laid out in a Randomized Complete Block Design (RCBD) with three replications. Cabbage (Brassica oleracea var. capitata) seeds were planted in six treatment groups including vermicompost of 20%, vermicompost of 50%, vermicompost of 75% and vermicompost of 100%. Pine bark, sand and vlei soils were incorporated into the experiment making up the different supplements. Results revealed that the tallest plants were recorded from pine bark amended mixtures with vermicompost substitution of 20% and 50%. Fresh weight of roots of plants from 100% vermicompost media revealed nonsignificant (P>0.05) difference when compared to treatment with 100% pine bark. However, the same treatment of 100% pine bark gave a significantly (P<0.05) lower fresh weight of leaves in comparison to 100% vermicompost. Seedlings from 100% vermicompost treatment had the highest stem thickness. There were no significant differences for the planting media treatments applied with respect to dry weight of both the leaves and roots. A ratio of 1:1 vermicompost and pine bark gave the best results. These finding indicate that vermicompost at suitable levels may promote plant growth and development probably via the modified nutrition. Instead of using vermicompost alone, its use in mixtures with pine bark, or vlei or sand may give the same effect.


cabbage (Brassica oleracea var. capitata), vermicompost, pine bark, vlei, sand, growth


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