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World Journal of Agricultural Research. 2013, 1(1), 18-24
DOI: 10.12691/WJAR-1-1-5
Original Research

Dynamics of the Information Exchange and the Causal-and-Effect Relationships in Plants under Controlled Conditions

Vladimir K. Mukhomorov1,

1Agrophysical Institute, St.-Petersburg, Russia

Pub. Date: April 25, 2013

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Vladimir K. Mukhomorov. Dynamics of the Information Exchange and the Causal-and-Effect Relationships in Plants under Controlled Conditions. World Journal of Agricultural Research. 2013; 1(1):18-24. doi: 10.12691/WJAR-1-1-5


Information theory methods were used to process extensive test data on the content of chemical elements in wheat and tomato plant organs obtained during their year-round and intensive cultivation on initially abiogenic mineral crushed stone (granite and zeolite). The directions of information flows related to redistribution chemical elements (Ca, K, P, S, Na, Si, Al, Fe, Zn, Mn, Mg, and Cl) between plant organs were revealed. Cause-and-effect relations in the dynamics of heterogeneity of chemical elements in plant organs under condition of primary soil formation were established. It is demonstrated that the total state of the chemical elements that determined by the integral indicator – information function – is differentiated for various plant organs. A cause-and-effect relation between the composition of organic matter of the root-inhabited environment and the elemental chemical composition of plant organs (root, stem, leaf and fruit, grain) is established by the method of information theory.


abiogenic mineral substrate, cause-and-effect relation, chemical elements, information flow, information function, intensive cultivation, mineral Crushed stone, multicomponent systems, organic matter pedogenesis, primary soil formation


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